What..? another moocs post??
Yes, it seems that all I blog about these days are online courses, and this is perhaps to be expected as I've been actively investigating the typical range and quality of courses available.
The reason for this is simple : Research....
I'm leading a small team of engineers and coders in an exciting new web-based learning project based around the popular Raspberry Pi as a platform for both software and hardware projects, as part of the RaspberryPi Mug online magazine. (watch this space for updates!)
Anyway, as the post title suggests, I thought it worth a quick blog post about another one of the recent mooc collections I have been researching.
The BitDegree site tends not to be indexed by the bigger online mooc spiders, but has a great range of courses and as most of the courses are free, worth a mention here.
main categories are: (opens in a new window)
* web development
* game development
* data science
* programming languages
* crypto and blockchain
* marketing
* graphic design
* ecommerce
* business
* personal development
* machine learning
* information security
I personally have looked at the web dev, programming and info security courses, and found them to be really good.
many of the courses are "gamified" (to use their terminology), where you are set interactive learning challenges, with feedback and a score based incentive system.
If you fancy upskilling in any of the above areas, BitDegree is a good place to start.
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