I had a spare hour or so today while I waited for a server to finish updating, so took the opportunity to assemble the Rockmite 20 which arrived from Small Wonder Labs in the USA yesterday.
Compliments to David Benson for this great little TRX. I can confirm it worked at first power up, delivering around 250mW into 50r. Signals heard but not attempted to work anyone yet.
Now for the next phase: a 12v lipo battery pack, and casing it up with a built in paddle key in the smallest possible box.
Im aiming for something like : http://www.qsl.net/n0rc/rm/Rock-Pile/wb9lpu/wb9lpu_20m.html But with a built in 2Ah battery with external charge socket.
Ultra portable qrp on 20m :)
Compliments to David Benson for this great little TRX. I can confirm it worked at first power up, delivering around 250mW into 50r. Signals heard but not attempted to work anyone yet.
Now for the next phase: a 12v lipo battery pack, and casing it up with a built in paddle key in the smallest possible box.
Im aiming for something like : http://www.qsl.net/n0rc/rm/Rock-Pile/wb9lpu/wb9lpu_20m.html But with a built in 2Ah battery with external charge socket.
Ultra portable qrp on 20m :)