Well, as promised elsewhere - a quick update on where I am with the 10m QRSS beacon project.
I decided not to bury it! Instead its going to live on the rack here in the shack / server room. Temps in here are fairly constant, but I decided to try adding a thick layer of thermal insulation around the beacon to elevate its temp to help buffer it from minor temp changes in here. This may not be ideal!
Read on...
Here we see the completed beacon PCB inside a diecast box.
The device poking through the lower edge of the box is a thermocouple. It is directly above the oscillator crystal - so should give a direct readout of the temperature inside the box nearest the xtal.
This can be seen in more detail in this image.
Here we see it with the lid on the diecast box, inside its outer casing. The thermocouple is showing at that stage about 4 degrees above room temp - and a current drain of 90mA.
Now we see the digital thermometer mounted on the front panel, along with keyswitch and power LED.
The next stage was adding the thermal insulation - in this case polystyrene beads.
.... until it looks like this.
And then we quickly screw the lid down before all the beads escape!
And there it is sat on the rack.
So, tests began about 5 hours ago. Once every five minutes I recorded the xtal temp, and the frequency in Hz (audio) with my RX set to 28.000 MHz CW.
The beacon is at present TXing into a dummy load with lose coupling to the RX. (Im still torn between a half wave end fed vert and a halo when I do get an antenna up - but thats another story!)
Im using my usual studio quality soundcard (24bit) to sample the recovered audio from the RX, and used Baudline (an audio analysis tool) to take measurements of the frequency of the mark and space tones. This provides an accuracy roughly on a par with my frequency counter, (limited by the unknown drift on my RX in fact) but makes it easier to read the changing frequencies brought about by the FSK which on a counter is a bit of a pain.
yes - the FSK is a bit on the high side - about 8Hz - I was aiming for 5 but with the lid on and temp up the FSKing is also slightly increased.
These were the figures for the first 3 hours:
(Raw data follows.)
mins temp C freq Hz
0 25 760
5 25.6 748
10 26.9 741
15 28.2 740
20 29.4 742
25 30.5 748
30 31.7 758
35 32.5 766
40 33.3 769
45 34.2 772
50 34.9 775
55 35.5 778
60 36.2 782
65 36.8 787
70 37.2 792
75 37.7 794
80 38.2 799
85 38.5 801
90 38.9 805
95 39.3 809
100 39.5 811
105 39.8 815
110 40.1 817
115 40.3 820
120 40.5 822
125 40.8 824
130 40.9 826
135 41.1 828
140 41.2 830
145 41.3 832
150 41.5 833
155 41.6 834
160 41.8 835
165 41.9 837
170 42.0 839
175 42.1 839
180 42.1 840
After 3 hours I stopped taking five minutely readings, and checked sporadically.
After 5 hours the Xtal temp had reached 43.5cand the frequency had reached 858Hz thats around 100Hz moved for around 20c temp change.
Although the values where beginning to flatten off, I pulled the plug after 5 hours as I feel that the thermal insulation is perhaps just a little too efficient!
Looking at the mark and space data on the display it was clear that once the xtal temp was past 33c that there was slightly more 1Hz jitter on the signal. No tests done to confirm this or the cause yet - but Im guessing that the PA transistor is sitting a fair bit warmer than the xtal and may be running away a little.
My main worry though is that as this will be operating as a MEPT (Manned Experimental Propagation Transmitter) to remain within licencing conditions it will spend some quite sizeable times powered off when Im not physically here. The long ramp up time to stability is not going to be condusive to a device that is turned on and off frequently. (As I am writing this the temp has dropped by over 3 degrees in 8 minutes, showing that cool down is much swifter than warm-up).
I think I may need to add a simple heater circ to the diecast box for more rapid warm ups, and to limit the upper temp to about 30c.
More tests will follow...
I decided not to bury it! Instead its going to live on the rack here in the shack / server room. Temps in here are fairly constant, but I decided to try adding a thick layer of thermal insulation around the beacon to elevate its temp to help buffer it from minor temp changes in here. This may not be ideal!
Read on...
Here we see the completed beacon PCB inside a diecast box.
The device poking through the lower edge of the box is a thermocouple. It is directly above the oscillator crystal - so should give a direct readout of the temperature inside the box nearest the xtal.
This can be seen in more detail in this image.
Here we see it with the lid on the diecast box, inside its outer casing. The thermocouple is showing at that stage about 4 degrees above room temp - and a current drain of 90mA.
Now we see the digital thermometer mounted on the front panel, along with keyswitch and power LED.
The next stage was adding the thermal insulation - in this case polystyrene beads.
.... until it looks like this.
And then we quickly screw the lid down before all the beads escape!
And there it is sat on the rack.
So, tests began about 5 hours ago. Once every five minutes I recorded the xtal temp, and the frequency in Hz (audio) with my RX set to 28.000 MHz CW.
The beacon is at present TXing into a dummy load with lose coupling to the RX. (Im still torn between a half wave end fed vert and a halo when I do get an antenna up - but thats another story!)
Im using my usual studio quality soundcard (24bit) to sample the recovered audio from the RX, and used Baudline (an audio analysis tool) to take measurements of the frequency of the mark and space tones. This provides an accuracy roughly on a par with my frequency counter, (limited by the unknown drift on my RX in fact) but makes it easier to read the changing frequencies brought about by the FSK which on a counter is a bit of a pain.
yes - the FSK is a bit on the high side - about 8Hz - I was aiming for 5 but with the lid on and temp up the FSKing is also slightly increased.
These were the figures for the first 3 hours:
(Raw data follows.)
mins temp C freq Hz
0 25 760
5 25.6 748
10 26.9 741
15 28.2 740
20 29.4 742
25 30.5 748
30 31.7 758
35 32.5 766
40 33.3 769
45 34.2 772
50 34.9 775
55 35.5 778
60 36.2 782
65 36.8 787
70 37.2 792
75 37.7 794
80 38.2 799
85 38.5 801
90 38.9 805
95 39.3 809
100 39.5 811
105 39.8 815
110 40.1 817
115 40.3 820
120 40.5 822
125 40.8 824
130 40.9 826
135 41.1 828
140 41.2 830
145 41.3 832
150 41.5 833
155 41.6 834
160 41.8 835
165 41.9 837
170 42.0 839
175 42.1 839
180 42.1 840
After 3 hours I stopped taking five minutely readings, and checked sporadically.
After 5 hours the Xtal temp had reached 43.5cand the frequency had reached 858Hz thats around 100Hz moved for around 20c temp change.
Although the values where beginning to flatten off, I pulled the plug after 5 hours as I feel that the thermal insulation is perhaps just a little too efficient!
Looking at the mark and space data on the display it was clear that once the xtal temp was past 33c that there was slightly more 1Hz jitter on the signal. No tests done to confirm this or the cause yet - but Im guessing that the PA transistor is sitting a fair bit warmer than the xtal and may be running away a little.
My main worry though is that as this will be operating as a MEPT (Manned Experimental Propagation Transmitter) to remain within licencing conditions it will spend some quite sizeable times powered off when Im not physically here. The long ramp up time to stability is not going to be condusive to a device that is turned on and off frequently. (As I am writing this the temp has dropped by over 3 degrees in 8 minutes, showing that cool down is much swifter than warm-up).
I think I may need to add a simple heater circ to the diecast box for more rapid warm ups, and to limit the upper temp to about 30c.
More tests will follow...