Sunday, January 18, 2009

UNR - the reason for little dweenofurkling as of late

Most of my time over the last few weeks has been taken up with catching up with work and also installing Ubuntu UNR - the netbook remix onto my Acer AA1 and Lyns EeePC701 - so other projects have taken a bit of a background place.

Ive added the arduino IDE onto my AA1 - what an amazing dev tool it makes - ultra portable dweenofurkling!

Full details on one of my other blogs :


Just a quick update - I finished building another DDS60 board last night and am now designing a new proto-shield that will accept the DDS60 and will incorporate the jog/shuttle design and also an LCD - essentially a complete 0-60MHz VFO system with direct frequency readout.

Full details will follow.